Friday, March 29, 2013


          So, they say that growing up and being a young adult is all about "finding yourself." We are at that time in our life when if someone asks us what we are going to be when we grow up, we have a real answer, not just princesses or pirates. However,  it seems to me that the real issue comes when someone asks "who" we want to be when we grow up. That's the question most of us, if not all of us are trying to answer. How do we find ourself? We live. We have fun. We make mistakes, and we learn from them. We change our minds, a lot, to figure out what it is we want in life. And we hope that in doing all of these things we can find ourself, figure out who we are. That's the goal right? I've come to realize though, as I continue to learn more about myself as a person and an individual, that there are somethings I will never understand about myself.

1. Why I let myself get so easily stressed out? Like I don't have enough stress in my life, let me just create some more...

2. Why I get so nervous talking to people I've never met before, and even talking to people that I already know.

3. Why I continue to drink coffee in the afternoon and the evening, even though I know it is going to keep me up all night.

4. Why I want to grow up, but at the same time I want to stay a kid forever.

5. How I never actually know what I want. If someone ever asks me what it is I want, I can never tell them.

6. Why it is that I am so indecisive. I can never make up my mind, whether it be a simple choice like were to do to dinner or a major decision like what type of nursing I want to go into.

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