Monday, December 17, 2012

Where was God?

I know I just posted a blog less than 20 minutes ago, but since then I found this on Facebook and thought it was worth sharing. Wow.

This is a note that my camp director just sent to us about all of this. She always seems to have just the right words.

Dear ones, 

I , like you , am sick about the violence in CT this week. It is sometimes unfathomable the depths of evil and sadness that can happen to people just like us. We rarely can imagine it in our backyard...but the world, at this point, is our back yard. I have seen several wonderful pieces talking about where God is in this. I don't pretend to top any of their amazing wisdom but I want to say just this. God is wherever WE are in this. We are His hands and feet, His voice, His presence, His love in a world gone a bit crazy. 

Goodness and truth prevail when we choose to live them with our every action. Love shines brighter not in some mystical way, but in the gutsy, practical , every day showing up and doing the hard right over the easy wrong. Integrity and character are still the things that build relationships and families, communities and countries. But we have to choose....every day, to BE the BE the BE the LOVE that will last longer than the darkness. And the darkness can be very dark. The most astounding thing about faith is when we actually experience all that evil colliding with the love of a very real God. He absorbs it..and gentleness and forgiveness and gutsy grace remains. And we carry battle scars, but they have a name: HOPE. And it's real...real enough to be an anchor to go on. BE THAT LIGHT IN YOUR WORLD. IT'S OUR CALL AND OUR PRIVILEGE. Love you all, and I am so proud of who you are and how you live your lives. God bless you. 

Love, Anne

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