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The Perfect Morning |
If I could describe the way that I am feeling in only one word right now it would be this, Happy. I am in a state of pure happiness. In fact, I have to admit that the past few days, the whole semester so far really, I have just been overall happy. If you know me well, and know my history, you know that this is a HUGE deal for me. Generally it is the other way around, that I am more indifferent and unhappy than I am happy. I'm not exactly sure what has gotten into me recently but I like it. I told myself at the turn of the the new year that I was going to actively make this year different. I was going to take control of my life and take control of the way that I feel. I must admit though, that I didn't actually think that it was going to happen. It's funny how we surprise ourselves sometimes. We are our biggest critics, right?
I wish that I could pin point what it is that is making me feel happy like this. I haven't been doing anything differently, at least I don't think so. I don't think that I have changed as a person. At the moment I am astounded at this new found happiness and ever so thankful for it. Even though I have been happy all the time these past few weeks, there have been a few moments that have stuck out to me where the only thing in my heart and mind was happiness, pure joy and contentment at where I am in my life and the path ahead of me that I have to look forward to. It all began on New Years eve, laying on the grass with Rebecca watching fireworks explode into sparkling colors in the dark sky above me. Or sitting in the hot tub in 17 degrees weather one night with my cousin while our hair froze as we sat talking about life and love and friendship. Or while laying on the floor under glowing stars, listening to a record drown out all my thoughts. And nothing can describe the happiness that I feel while at clinicals in the nursery cuddling a newborn baby as they fall asleep in my arms. (I will admit that the feeling I get while holding one of those precious little miracles only reassures me that one day, years from now, I will be a mother with children and a family of my own- it is my ultimate dream in life...) And then there is this moment, sitting drinking coffee with music in the background, blogging as rain falls gracefully from the sky. I forgot how happy writing makes me. I have just been so busy with school and studying and clinicals, etc. that I haven't been able to write on a consistant basis. But that is going to change, it has to in order for me to stay happy and sane.
I don't think I ever want this to end. Who would, when their life is overcome with happiness? However, I know that as much I want this, eventually there will come a time when I won't be this happy, even just for a small time. So I'll enjoy this happiness as much as possible and not take it for granted. I urge you to do the same. I'll leave you with a few words of wisdom that are on a plaque at Pretty Place, an outdoor chapel in the mountains back home.
The Way to Happiness
Keep your heart free from hate,
your mind form worry.
Live simple, accept little, give much.
Fill your life with love.
Scatter sunshine, forget self, think of others.
Do as you would be done.
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