Saturday, April 13, 2013

5 things

So, the other day one of my former counselors turned best friends, Amanda tagged me in a post called "5 things." The whole idea of it is that I am supposed to disclose 5 random things that my blog readers (even I even have those....) may not know about me. Even though I have basically done nothing for the past few days, I never seemed to get around to writing this post. It could be possibly due to the fact that I have know idea what to write.... I am a pretty private person and keep a lot of things to myself, but I still am lost for words when it comes to this. So, bear with me. Here goes nothing.

"5 Things"

1. I surprising love to sing. I am not a good singer by any means, but I do love singing. If I could have one talent that I don't have it would be to be musically inclined and have a good singing voice. I am type of person who will burst into song in the car, or in the shower, or while cooking dinner. BUT, only if I am alone. I can't sing in front of other people, even if it is just me and one other person. It scares me to death. I have only ever sang in front of one person once in my whole life, and even that took about 4 or 5 months of nagging and asking before I finally gave in. And I can promise that that won't happen again until... well I don't know, I don't plan on it being anytime soon.

2. Growing up, I was a Barbie collector. You may be thinking, didn't all little girls have Barbies. These were not just like the regular old Barbies that you play with on a day to day basis. NO, these were like the special collector Barbies that came in the nice box with the stand and everything. I think that I must have at least 10-15 collector Barbies that are still on the bookshelf in my room back home, and they will probably stay there for until I have a little girl of my own way day, and then I will give them to her. I can't even remember all the Barbies that I have. There is Scarlett O'Hara, The Sugar Plum Fairy, Swan Lake, Rupunzel, two different Brides, a Winter Princess and my favorite, Harpist Angel. I actually got Harpist angel when I was younger and one day she went missing, I was probably 9 or 10 when she went missing. And then for my 18th birthday, my senior year of high school my sister found the Barbie online and got it for me. It made me so happy!!!

Isn't she beautiful??

3. I was a dancer. I know right? I am not musically inclined and am not actually a very good dancer despite having danced from age 3 to age 12. For nine years I danced Ballet, Jazz, and Pointe. I loved it too. I loved getting dressed up in leotards and skirts and tutus. I loved putting my hair in buns, and lacing up my pointe shoes. I even loved the ridiculous costumes that I had to wear. (I've been jill from jack and jill, a sunflower, a dinosaur girl, yankee doodle dandy and many others....). Here is a picture from my very first ballet recital when I was 3 or 4 years old. The story behind this is that the day before my dance recital I was getting out of a friends van and tripped and hit my face on the curb resulting in a black eye and a big strawberry patch on my cheek. I look very happy right?

I was a cute child right?

4. I was one of the editors-in-cheif of both the Yearbook and the Delphian (the literary magazine) in  high school. I was on the yearbook staff from grade 10-12 and on the Delphian all four years of high school and absolutely loved it! I know that a lot of time I joke about not being creative or not being artistic, but I actually am to some extent.... Both my senior year yearbook and the Delphian from my senior year are some of my proudest accomplishments from high school. I wish I could show them to you! The theme of the yearbook senior year was "Redefine the Impossible" and it was the 50th year of CCES so that was kinda of cool, and the theme of the Delphian was "Carnival."

Yearbook Editors
5. I have probably the strangest list of family pets over the past 21 years of my life. At the moment we have 2 dogs, Daisy and Juno, and two cats, Chico and Trix. My brother also has a dog, Domino, which is over at our house a lot. Daniel and Vanessa have two cats, Papaya and Kiwi. However, over the span of my life time we have had 4 gerbils, multiple gold fish, multiple beta fish, multiple saltwater fish including angel fish and other weird fish, geckos, some other weird lizard that had teeth and would bark at me whenever I walked by it, and tree frogs. I feel like I am forgetting something but maybe not. We basically had our own zoo in the Antworth Household. Although I loved having so many different pets growing up, I think that when I am older and have a family of my own, I am going to limit our pets to just cats and dogs.

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