Monday, January 28, 2013

Everyone Needs Pep Talks

          So I am a sucker for adorable children. Something about kids just makes my me happy and brings a smile to my face, it is why I work with them in the at a summer camp and hope to work in pediatrics one day. The past few days a youtube video has been popping up on my Newsfeed, which you may or may not have seen called, "Pep Talk from Kid President to You," and the little kid in the video is beyond adorable, and he is giving a pep talk. Watch this:

          We all need a little encouragement sometimes, a pep talk. I'm no stranger to this. Being the naturally shy and nervous person that I am, I have received many pep talks in my life whether they were before a volleyball game, a presentation in class, a first date, or meeting new people. Pep talks give you a sense of support, the feeling that someone is there for you and cheering you on. They give you that little extra boost to either start something new or to not give up on something that seems to be impossible.

          Maybe it is how simply this little boys puts things, or the way that he is serious but not too serious but it has really made me think about things. He's up front and from the beginning tells us to stop being boring. We were made to be more than boring, we were made to be great, to do something great with our lives. There are so many different paths that we can take in life, and like this little boy, I want to be in the one that leads to awesome. Don't we all? Don't we want to choose a path in life the makes us feel happy, and important and like we are doing something great with our life? And the thing is, we have the power to choose that path, we can be whatever we decide to be! Each person chooses their actions, shapes their character. We all have dreams, what is stopping you from achieving that dream? We can't quit or give up on our dreams, our space jam! What will be your space jam, the thing that inspires others? Your space jam will be the thing that you create that makes the world a little more awesome. So, live a little, dance a lot, never stop laughing. 

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Something Worth Fighting For!

          I want to take a minute or two to talk about how amazing my friends are here at SLU. I am not sure if you have heard about it, but there is a foundation called St. Baldrick's Foundation which is an organization that aims to raise money to find a cure for childhood cancer. The way that they raise money is that people become a shavee and pledge to shave have their head shaved and people pledge money for that person. Childhood cancer has always been an interest of mine, and is becoming a passion of mine. I babysit a little girl, Ari, who was diagnosed with Stage IV neuroblastoma when she was only three years old. She is now 7 and still fighting after treating cancer and then going back into remission. She has gone through multiple rounds of chemo, and continues to fight her battle with a smile on her face and a laugh that fills the room the joy. Her positivity and determination amazes me everyday and has really made me begin to look at life differently. It is partially because of her that I am thinking of becoming a pediatric oncology nurse after I graduate, and I am hoping to be on an Oncology Unit at Children's Hospital later this semester for clinicals, but I guess we will have to just wait and see. I know that people believe that it will be an emotionally and mentally hard field to go into, but I know that I am the type of person who could do it. I know there would be times that it will be really hard and sad, but there will also be some very rewarding times, and just knowing that I could help these little children with their fight, nothing sounds more amazing and rewarding to me. Here is a picture of me and the sweet little girl I get to babysit for! Please send some prayers up for her as she continues to fight her battle!

          We need to do something about this! That is one of the things St. Baldrick's is trying to do. They are raising money to help find a cure and begin the ripple effect. This year my friends Dede and Audrey are both going to be shavees at the St. Baldrick's event on March 9th. (I couldn't work up the courage to do it this year, but maybe next year, who know...) Even though I won't be shaving my head, I will be there cheering them on!! I am so incredibly proud of both of them and their courage and willpower inspire me! 

Dede's statement on her Donation Page:
"I am so excited to be joining the St. Baldrick's Foundation! I have known about the               foundation for three years now, but I never once believed I could have the strength to shave my head. I gladly join the list of shavees now, knowing that the action of shaving my head has the potential to instill hope in the hearts of cancer patients and inspire others to donate and fight for a cure to childhood cancer. My internship at the Center for Cancer and Blood Disorders at Children's Medical Center in Dallas and my Student Nurse Clinicals on the Hematology/Oncology floor at Cardinal Glennon here in St. Louis gave me first hand experience with cancer patients and their struggles. I want to honor their battles through my participation. As this experience will definitely challenge myself, I am glad my beautiful friend Audrey will be a shavee as well. I cannot wait to see the benefits of this event!"
 -Deirdre Harvey

Audrey's statement on her Donation Page:
"Cancer is one of the worst things that could happen to a family. However, in the past few years, I have seen so many AMAZING people knock the socks off of cancer. First, from my friend Bucky in high school, who wasn't content just to beat the disease himself; now he is an inspiration to kids from all over with his fundraising and awareness building. My friends Hannah and Lionel (a cancer survivor herself), who shaved their heads for cancer led the way. Finally, with my time at Camp For All, I was able to meet and hang out with a ton of inspiring kids with cancer and their siblings. Those kids were unstoppable--they are fighting with everything that they have in them, and they still have the energy and positivity to laugh, smile, and be goofy. These kids, and all of the people at camp, are really the reason why I am trying to raise money for childhood cancer."
-Audrey Von Borstel

           If you are wondering if you can help, YOU CAN!!! You can pledge to Dede and Audrey!! I know that you may not know them, but that shouldn't matter. I promise you that they are both such amazing and generous and courageous young women!! Any amount of money will help!!! Please please please help fight the fight against childhood cancer and help find a cure! Below are the links to both Audrey and Dede's St. Baldrick's Profile. If you feel like you can donate, please do!!!

My roommate Emily O'Brien is also shaving her head for St. Baldrick's and letting us do it!! I am super proud of her!! Meet Emily.

Emily's statement on her Donation Page:
"I've answered the call to be a hero! I'm letting my 12 wonderful housemates shave my head to stand in solidarity with kids fighting cancer, but more importantly, to raise money to find cures. I may be a one-shavee show, but I'll be just as bald – and I hope you'll cheer me on with a donation! The St. Baldrick's Foundation is a volunteer-driven charity that funds more in childhood cancer research grants than any organization except the U. S. government. Your gift will give hope to infants, children, teens and young adults fighting childhood cancers. So when I ask for your support, I'm really asking you to support these kids. Thank you! Click "Make a donation" to give online, or donate by phone or mail."
-Emily O'Brien

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Oh the places I'll go

          11 days. This is the longest I have gone without posting a blog post ever! To be honest, I've hated going so long without writing a post, but I guess I can't complain, since it is completely my fault for not writing a post sooner... This past week and a half since I got back to Saint Louis and started the semester has been extremely crazy and really busy. The past week and a half was filled with classes and day long orientations, visiting family and tons and tons of reading and studying already for classes. I have hated not taking time for myself to just calm down and write and just take time for me. Oh also this week, my friends and I found a yoga studio really close to campus, so I have been going there during a lot of my free time too and doing hot yoga, and hopefully will be able to continue going to classes throughout the semester. I forgot how much I like yoga and how good I feel physically, mentally and emotionally after taking a yoga class. It is very relaxing and de-stressing for me which is definitely something that I need more of in my life, especially this semester.

          I am still in shock that it is already the second semester of my junior year!!! Where has all of the time gone?? #butreally

          I have always love the Dr. Seuss book Oh, The Places You'll Go. I read this book a lot growing up, and they read it at our eighth grade graduation and our senior chapel. " This book is kinda my inspiration for the next semester, and I guess really the rest of my college career.

          "You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose. You're on your own. And you know what you know. And YOU are the one who'll decide where to go...”

          I have been thinking about that quote from the book as well as a few others when I look towards an upcoming adventure that I am going on. I haven't really written about this yet, because I didn't finalize everything until the end of Christmas Break, and the past week has been so busy that I haven't been able to tell you about it. Over Spring Break, I have decided to go on a Mission Trip through Campus Ministry to El Salvador!!! I had thought about going on a Mission Trip over break and Stewart, who is one of the leaders, somehow convince me to get over my fears and apply to go on the trip, and a few weeks later I got my acceptance email. I am so excited to say the least. This is a really big thing for me. Stepping a good bit out of my comfort zone. I am homebody, I really enjoy being home, which is where I usually am over spring break. However, since I am going to El Salvador, I am obviously not going home of Spring Break, and won't be home until the middle of May. 4 and 1/2 months without going home! That is the longest I have ever been away from home in my whole life, it's going to be really hard for me. I am excited nonetheless for this adventure that I am going to go on!

         Over the past few month I have had this feeling that I just need to do something different, something eye opening, and something out of my comfort zone. I prayed about it a lot and have done a lot of thinking about it and this trip just kind of fell into my lap. I think this will be really good for me. I think that I will learn a lot about myself on this trip and from what Estewart has told me about it and what we are doing, I think that it will really open my eyes and learn to appreciate the little things in life.  

          I wish I could write more tonight, but thanks to clinicals tomorrow I have to get up at 5:30 am.... I am certainly positive that there will be more posts to come about El Salvador as it get closer and I get more nervous about going :) Good night!

“So be sure when you step, Step with care and great tact. And remember that life's A Great Balancing Act. And will you succeed? Yes! You will, indeed! (98 and ¾ percent guaranteed) Kid, you'll move mountains.” 

Be kind

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Up in the Air

It’s that time again. All breaks eventually come to and end. Christmas Break is over and it is time to head back to the world of studying, 8 am classes, and 12-hour clinicals. At the moment though, there are a bunch of mixed feelings going through my head. I am excited to go back to school, but not excited to leave home. I’m ready to get back to school, see all my friends and get back into the swing of things, but on the other hand, I’m not quite ready to leave home. I think part of the reason that it’s harder for me to leave this break is that I won’t be home again until summer time, 5 months from now. That’s the longest I’ve ever gone without going home at all! I am excited to get back though, and spring semester always does seem to fly by so much quicker than fall semester. I feel like it will be summer time before I know it.

I could not have imagined a more perfect Christmas Break. Unless, maybe if I was actually 21 like most of my friends from high school… However, that did not stop us from having a fun time J My Christmas break was well spent at the Debutante Ball, Dinner Parties, going downtown with friends, hanging out with my little sister, New Years Eve Bowling and Fireworks with Bex, going to the shooting range with my parents and a lot of reading books and watching movies/TV shows. I can’t believe that this month of break is already over.  However, I have so many exciting things in store for this coming semester, which I am sure you hear all about in due time! Until then, I sit here waiting for a plane back to St. Louis, day dreaming about what is yet to come, and slightly dreading the 45 degree drop in temperature from Greenville to St. Louis.

            After all that I finally get to what I actually wanted to write about. Airports. I absolutely love airports. This is fitting since I am writing this blog partially during a layover in the Charlotte, NC airport and partially thousands of feet up in the air on my way back to St. Louis. It really seems not to long ago that I was writing about last semester in this airport on my way back to Greenville. Anyways, I absolutely love airports, especially the Charlotte airport. I have been through a lot of airports since I was younger and since going off to college and the Charlotte airport is by far my favorite airport. If you ask my sister though, she has a special place in her heart for the San Juan, Puerto Rico airport. Why? I do not know, but that is her favorite airport of all time. The Charlotte airport is big, but not too big and such a pretty airport. It’s familiar; I’ve flown in and out of, and through this airport too many times to count in the past 20 years of my life. All of the 5 concourses branch off of one main terminal that has huge windows that look out over the tarmac. Suspended from the ceiling in the atrium are different airplane models and along the windows, and all through out the concourses there are blue rocking chairs where you can sit and admire the planes coming and going. Another perk about the Charlotte airport is that there are many Starbucks spread throughout the airport, so I will never be far from a coffee fix.

            Ever since a young age, I have always had a love of airports for multiple reasons. For some reason I love people watching. I mean who doesn’t? And what better place to people watch than an airport? You can never expect anything less than eclectic when people watching at the airport. There are businessmen and women, families, young couples, old married couples, preps, hippies, and the list goes on. Really you can see any type of person at the airport. Each person has their own story and is coming from somewhere and going somewhere different. The whole concept of the airport is fascinating to me, that may sound weird but it is. You are in one place and the whole world is within reach. You literally have the option of going anywhere in the world.  I could probably pass the whole day sitting and watching planes take off and land. It is calming in a way to me, I’m not sure why but it is. It still amazes me watching planes take off. They are basically huge piece of metal that fly into the sky and drift to another destination. Probably the most entrancing moment of this for me was when I first saw the plane that we flew on from LA to Melbourne, Australia. We flew on the Airbus A380, and it was absolutely MASSIVE, a double decker the entire length of the plane and held over 400 passengers. Now tell me it is not amazing and fascinating how that large of a plane can fly thousands of feet up in the air over an ocean, halfway around the world, without stopping. Up in the air, the feeling is just the same. I love flying. It’s a different world in the air. It is so peaceful looking out on the blanket of clouds below that are a mixture or yellow, orange and pink from a setting sun.

            Some people may hate flying and say that it is a hassle, but I beg to differ. It is a pleasure.

Happy 2013

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Visual Poetry

          So, I watched a movie the other day that was absolutely beautiful and just had to write something about it, even if it is a short post. I had read a little about the movie Beasts of the Southern Wild, and yesterday morning my mom and I were watching the reveal of the Oscar nominations and low and behold, Beasts of the Southern Wild was nominated for 4 Oscars including Best Director, Best Adapted Screenplay, Best Actress (the little girl who is now 9, was only 6 years old during filming. She is the youngest nomination for Best Actress ever.), and it is also up for the big one, Best Picture. The movie debuted at Sundance Film Festival and from that moment began to captivate individuals with its beauty and intriguing story.

          The movie, which is more like visual poetry, follows a young girl named Hushpuppy who lives in "The Bathtub" of southern Louisiana with her father. Hushpuppy is heartened by a sense of childish optimism and extraordinary imagination and is convince that the natural world is in balance with the universe until a fierce storm that forces her to change her reality. Hushpuppy is faced with many adversities such as the deterioration of her father's health, her father's hot-temper, a storm that devastates her home and leaves her on the brink on orphanage. Desperate to repair the structure of her world to save her ailing father and sinking home, this tiny (literally tiny!!!) hero must learn to survive unstoppable catastrophes of epic proportions. Hushpuppy has a smile so entrancing, yet a scowl that no creature would dare cross. On the outside, Hushpuppy may look small and vulnerable, but in her eyes she is strong and powerful and will do anything to prove that. Beasts of the Southern Wild, is a work of magic realism as well as an exercise of wishful thinking. The movie combines crawfish boils, cold beer, a grand imagination of the cutest little girl who gives the most powerful performances you could ever wish to see. The movie is beautiful and enchanting and will make you smile and laugh and cry all in the span of an hour and a half. Watch the movie, trust me it is worth it.


Friday, January 11, 2013

Look for it

This is a poster that I have in my room at home and I absolutely love it!

On the top it says "Love is where you find it." And you probably can't read the bottom but it says "Look for it." 

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Sisterhood of the Traveling Jirt

          I can't believe it took me until just now to actually write about this! I truly believe that one of the most special gifts in life is that of friendship. I grew up in a small town, and went to a very small school. I went to the same school for 13 years and so did 34 others out of the 70 in my graduating class. In fact, many of us went to kindergarden and mother's morning out together as well. If you ask me about all my best friends from home and how long we have known each other I would say either 18, 16 or 13 ish year. I met all of them in lower school or before. It's crazy to think that! So, it is no wonder that I was scared as all get out when I moved off to college, where I didn't know anyone at all and was forced to make new friends. I am not the best at making new friends thanks to my naturally being shy and not really talking to or opening up to people until I get to know them. (Unfortunately many people take my tending to be quiet and shy for me not liking them which is totally not the case.) Back to freshman year... When I moved into the dorm I was nervous and quite overwhelmed. It is hard to explain how overwhelming it can be when moving into the Micah Program and the Micah dorm, it's one of those things that you can only really relate to if you actually go through it yourself. However, I would not have it any other way because it lead me to these amazing and crazy and special girls:

          Quite the group of friends right?

          This is the story of us. The story of cohabitation,  of shenanigans, of four best friends, of college life, of the sisterhood of the traveling jirt, and of a friendship that is destined to last a lifetime. This is the friendship between Emily, Emily, Elizabeth and Allison. We only like names beginning with vowels. Not really, it's just funny how wit ended up this way. I am not quite sure when the four of us became friends, there wasn't really a defining moment, it just sort of happened. In fact, the four of us have had this conversation a few times trying to pin point when this "special" friendship of ours began, but we always seem to hit a brick wall. There wasn't a defining moment, it just happened, which is probably what makes it so special. It was just meant to be, the four of us were meant to be best friends and life made that path that connected us all. By the end of Fall semester freshman year, we were inseparable. As a matter of fact, people would be a it shocked when they did not see at least two of us together, even today if you see us, quite often we are together. We can't help it that we are just awesome like that :) Freshman year, we all lived right by each other. Emily O'Brien was my suite mate, and Allison and Emily Tuttle were roommates and lived across the hall from us. Freshman year began our story as we all got to know each other and form this quadship, friendship. We spent the year having "tea parties", dressing up for the Harry Potter Premiere, making a bucket list, that has yet to happen..... By the end of the year, we were nothing less than the best of friends and looking forward to cohabitating the following year. 

          With the summer approaching us, we were not too keen on the idea of spending so much time apart. And so began the Sisterhood of the Traveling Jirt. (Freshman year we had an obsession with anything jean, Jirts, Jeggings, Jests, Jiapers, you name it we can make it denim). Since we could by no means find a pair of jeans to fit all four us, we opted for the more stylish and practical Jirt. One trip to good will was all it took to find the symbol of our friendship. The idea of the Jirt is much like that of the pants. We each got it for a week over the summer and then sent it to the next girl. The Jirt was accompanied by a notebook, of which the contents can not be named ;) The Jirt would keep us together, while we were apart. We had a ceremony of course, and made rules, which cannot be named of course! And so began the Jirt! When we returned, we had another ceremony and talked about our summers and life since we had last been together. The Jirt since then has traveled to Europe when the Emily's went abroad, and continued to travel among us this past summer, as it probably will for the rest of our lives. If you are worried about what will happen to the Jirt after we all die, way in the future, don't worry we have a plan. We are always very well prepared. In case you never have the pleasure to see the Jirt in real life, here is a picture of it from after the first summer of traveling.

          Sophomore year was wonderful, even though the four of us were only together for one semester :( Yet, we live together again this year which is some much fun and plan on living together next year too. Debbie put us all together, but no one can tear us all apart. That would be somewhat of a task.      

         When I think of the dynamics of our friendship, it is really quite intriguing. The four of us all get along so well, but we all are quite different. I guess the whole opposites attract can be applied to our friendship. However, even though we are all so different, at the same time, we are all so similar. It makes for a very interesting time when we are all together. But I wouldn't have it any other way. Just to give you a small idea of who on earth these people are that I am blabbering on about, if you don't have the pleasure of knowing them in real life, let me introduce you.

Meet EOB. (More formally known as Emily O'Brien) EOB was a suitemate Freshman year as well as my roommate for the first semester of Sophomore year. You may not know it by looking at her but she in invincible, she is titanium. More like, she has a titanium rod in her leg after breaking her femur in a skate boarding accident last year. Now you may be think, "You have a skate boarding roommate??" Don't be fooled, she is not a skate boarder, however she is good at getting around in a wheelchair and walker now :) EOB is an avid lover of books, and music, and is by far the most educated Harry Potter fan that I know. She is extremely talented at writing (she is a blogger too), and music (french horn player), and is one of the most patient and kind people I know. She is an amazing listener and is the type of person who is really good at speaking the truth in love, she always tells you what you need to know and always willing to give advice. She is patient, kind, and dedicate and is going to an amazing teacher one day. To all the future students of Miss O'Brien, you are the luckiest kids out there. Be nice to her! This girl is going to change the world one day, probably in conjunction with this next girl.

Meet Ranga. (More Formally known as Allison Walter). Allison is my roomie, and has been since the Emily's abandoned us to go to Europe... :) And she is a RANGA! I saved her life you know!!! She runs so fast that her hair catches fire. Not really, it just looks like that because she has red hair. But she is really fast, like real fast. She is a track star. My first impression of Allison was probably, wow she has so many t-shirts and they are all color coated. We soon learned not to change the order of it, or move anything on her desk. She will notice, and she will find you. Allison is my partner in crime, when together shenanigans will happen. Just ask JP... Allison is probably one of the smartest people I know. I feel like she is always studying, writing a paper, preparing for philosophy or theology club, or just being philosophical in general. I admire her determination and perseverance, and the fact that she is super athletic. I love that she is always there for me, willing to cuddle and watch modern family, is always up for adventure or shenanigans, the fact that she always cracks my back, and can make me laugh. I cherish our pillow talks and hold them very near and dear to my heart. I don't know what she will be doing when she grows up, but I can't promise you that she is going to do great things with her life. And like I said, she will probably be a running mate with EOB on the presidential ballot. Lastly, but certainly not least...

Meet Tuttle... or Tuts, Tutski, King Tut, Tortuga, and the list goes on, and on, and on. (More formally known as Emily Tuttle). First I must say the oddest thing is greeting Tuttle parents, because she is Tuttle, that is like her first name, and then I greet them as Mr. and Mrs. Tuttle. It's just weird... Tuttle is my nursing partner, my rock that helps keep me sane and gets me through nursing school. She is always willing to listen to me rant about things, complain about things or just talk about things. She is my gym partner, that is when I go to the gym... and sits in the sauna with me after to gossip :) Tuttle is like a little ball of energy and excitement! I know I am going to have a good time when Tuttle is around. She always knows how to make me laugh and bring a smile to my face, no matter how stressed or anxious or down I may be. She is my fellow Gossip Girl addict. Tuttle is such a caring, fun loving, honest, lively and loving. She gives amazing advice and always tells it like it is. I admire her confidence and ability to smile no matter the situation. Her positivity and spirited nature is contagious. Following graduation, Tuttle will be saving lives. But really, she will be working as a nurse and saving lives. She is going to be an amazing nurse one day and I am sure that we will be frequently calling each other with many amusing stories about our lives as nurses.

          Well, in a nut shell, those are my best friends. We are four peas in a pod. I am so very lucky to have them in my life and cannot imagine what life would be without them. These three girls will be at my bachelorette party, in my wedding, and in my life for many years to come. I cherish so dearly all of or memories together and look forward to the many more memories to come. I love you all so very much.

 As you can tell, we have a rough time taking a good, "normal" picture together. 
Someone is always cheesin.

Probably my favorite picture of us!
(coincidentally, the only normal one of all of us)

It truly is a beautiful friendship!


Tuesday, January 8, 2013

New Motto

          So, I am not really one to choose motto's for my life. It isn't that I don't want one but the truth is when it comes down to it I am probably one of the most indecisive people to walk this earth and therefore could never choose one motto for my life. I can't say that I have finally chosen just one for me, but I have one that sticks out and is definitely up there near the top of my phrases to live by. I came across it on Pinterest (big surprise) which is where I find probably about 99.9% of my favorite quotes and pictures, and everything when it comes to it. #lifeofacollegegirl, right? However, here it is:

          DO NOT BELIEVE EVERYTHING YOU THINK. I thought that I ought to put it in all caps, to get the point across. I feel like I need to have that as my background on my computer, phone and hung in my room to get the point across. Maybe that is just my stubbornness, I don't know... I can be quite stubborn when it comes to changing my ways, and even more stubborn to changing my thoughts. However, I am determined to change when it comes to this matter. This whole idea, if I can call it that, has been a part of my life for quite sometime, years actually, and is actually really troubling to me. Goodness, how I wish the weren't the case, but it is, and surprisingly I am ok with that. It is a part of who I am and it has shaped me into the person that I am today. And I think that I turned out ok! At least I hoped that I have turned out ok, I would hope that I have! But... It's time for a change, and I am just plain tired of letting my mind and my so easily believed distorted thoughts control my life.

          I am the type of person who tends to have more distorted thoughts than true thoughts 95% of the time. Sadly this seems to show up in every part of my life, friendships, appearance, school work, you name it. I have the very bad habit of letting my thoughts dictate my beliefs, when really it should be the other way around. My beliefs should influence my thoughts. Why do I continually subject myself to this when I know that it makes me miserable? Probably that fear of change again, or just maybe it was easier for me to accept those thoughts than to believe that I was more than that, which I have realized is not at all the case. It took way too long to realize that I am so much more than all of those distorted thoughts and beliefs. This all reminds me of a quote that I first heard in high school.

"Watch your thought, for they become words.
Watch your words, for they become actions.
Watch your actions, for they become habits.
Watch you habits, for they become character.
Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny."

          I have, we all have, the power to believe what we believe is good and true, to choose whether we let our thoughts form our beliefs or let our beliefs form our thoughts. Which do you choose? This is a New Year, a new start, a new me, and I refuse to subject myself to this sort of self-inflicted torture anymore. I won't believe everything I think.


How can you not help but smile when you see this?!?!?!

Monday, January 7, 2013

Time Machine

           If you could go back in time, either the near past or long ago, where would you go? I'm not quite sure why, but I have a love of both the Georgian Period and Victoria Period as well as the early 1900s. I have always had a love of that period but was recently reminded of it while reading The Paris Wife and Pride and Prejudice, and watching "Pride and Prejudice",  "Downton Abbey", and "Les Miserables." If given the chance, in a heartbeat I would go back in time and spend some time during those periods.

          As I mentioned, I have always been drawn to those periods, and I am not quite sure when this appeal began, but it was a while ago. I have always had a fascination with Marie Antoinette and revolutionary France, which is one of the reasons that I love Les Miserables. Saying that it is a fascination may even be an understatement, I wrote my thesis senior year of high school on Marie Antionette and the French Revolution, 20 pages.... However, I did not find it dreadful at all, I loved doing all the research and reading all about it. I was reminded of this intrigue this past weekend as I read Pride and Prejudice.    Reading the novel only once again reminded me of this love and made be begin to think what it was about that time that I was so fascinated with and desire to have lived in that time. Yes, I love the present, I am not denying that, but things seem so complicated these days. You cannot deny that things back then were much simpler. I wish I could better explain my feelings, but I am so lost for words. I love learning about the society, seeing painting of girls in beautiful dress, houses in the countryside, and the idea of traveling by carriage. I love how important family was back then, how they had balls, I even love the way that they talked, everything sounded so prim and proper. Everything back then was just so.... romantic. It was simple and beautiful. Maybe that is just the hopeless romantic in me talking.

          So until next time, I'll be dreaming as if I was in the book Pride and Prejudice.


Saturday, January 5, 2013

The Beauty of Literature

         Have you ever felt the desire, the need to just get away? The feeling that you need to escape for a while, go far away, be somewhere else for just a while? The desire to meet new people and experience something completely new? Sometime we need that place where our minds can escape to just for a while to calm down before returning to reality. The only possible way that I can think to fill this void is to sit and read a good books. Escape is never farther than the nearest book. One of my favorite feelings in the world is curling up in bed, under a big comfy blanket, and letting myself get lost in a good book. Unfortunately during school, I can never find time to sit and actually read a book just for pleasure, so I resort to any break from school to read, which is exactly what I have done this Christmas Break. I think I am on book six maybe of this break... One of my favorite things about reading a really good book is that my mind can't help but get lost in it. When you get lost in a book, you become part of the story which is magical in a way. Stephen King once said that "books are a uniquely portable magic." I can't think a a better way to put it. It truly is magic how for a period in time you can go back into the past, be part of the french revolution, travel into the future, become a part of a traveling circus, or live in the jungle. "Reading is the sole means by which we slip, involuntarily, often helplessly, into another's skin, another's voice, another's sole." (Joyce Carol Oates). You can do anything that you ever dreamed of through reading a book. Reading is dreaming with your eyes open.

         There are so many reasons for why I read, but after thinking over this I feel like most of the time I either read to escape from this world for a bit or because I feel alone and want the good company of a book. I don't think that I ever feel alone while reading. When reading, all the character of the book become your friends, your acquaintances. No matter what book you may be reading, there is always something that you can relate to. We are always drawn to something or someone in the book, and that is what makes us feel like we are not alone. It is like what Scott Fitzgerald said about the beauty of literature. While reading we discover that our longings and desires are universal, and that we are not lonely and isolates. On the contrary, we belong. 

          Even when we finish a book, it is still a part of us. In some way or another it has affected us, become a part of our life. Books are both powerful and dangerous. "The best ones should be labeled 'This could change your life.'" (Helen Exley).

        I will admit that the majority of my Christmas Break, when not hanging out with friends and family, has been spent sitting in a green chair in the living rooms under a big fluffy comforter, with the dogs at my feet, reading. I would not have had it any other way either. In the past few weeks I have gone back to high school and learned about life and growing up while reading The Perks of Being a Wallflower. I traveled to Paris in the early 1900s and kept company with Ernest Hemingway and other great writers in The Paris Wife. I spent nights at the circus, where dueling magicians fell in love during The Night Circus. And at the moment, I have traveled back to the early 1800s to England  in what has been considered by some to be one of the greatest love stories of all time, Pride and Prejudice. Talk about a way to spend Christmas Break :) And when I am done with this book, I seem to always have a list of books to read waiting for me. I am always open for suggestions on new books though, so if you have any let me know. I want to leave you with a list of some one my favorite books so if you need anything good to read, here you go.

Books worth reading (in no particular order): 
1. Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen
2. Travels with Charley by John Steinbeck
3. Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers
4. Captivating by John and Stasi Eldredge
5. Wild at Heart by John Eldredge
6. The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky
7. To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee
8. The Paris Wife by Paula McLain
9. The Five People You Meet in Heaven by Mitch Albom
10. To My Daughter in France by Barbara and Stephanie Keating
11. The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern
12. Story of a Soul by St. Thérèse of Lisieux
13. The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time by Mark Haddon
14. Left to Tell by Immaculée Ilibagiza
15. The Art of Racing in the Rain by Garth Stein
16. The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald
17. Why We Need Love edited by Simon Van Booy