Quite the group of friends right?
This is the story of us. The story of cohabitation, of shenanigans, of four best friends, of college life, of the sisterhood of the traveling jirt, and of a friendship that is destined to last a lifetime. This is the friendship between Emily, Emily, Elizabeth and Allison. We only like names beginning with vowels. Not really, it's just funny how wit ended up this way. I am not quite sure when the four of us became friends, there wasn't really a defining moment, it just sort of happened. In fact, the four of us have had this conversation a few times trying to pin point when this "special" friendship of ours began, but we always seem to hit a brick wall. There wasn't a defining moment, it just happened, which is probably what makes it so special. It was just meant to be, the four of us were meant to be best friends and life made that path that connected us all. By the end of Fall semester freshman year, we were inseparable. As a matter of fact, people would be a it shocked when they did not see at least two of us together, even today if you see us, quite often we are together. We can't help it that we are just awesome like that :) Freshman year, we all lived right by each other. Emily O'Brien was my suite mate, and Allison and Emily Tuttle were roommates and lived across the hall from us. Freshman year began our story as we all got to know each other and form this quadship, friendship. We spent the year having "tea parties", dressing up for the Harry Potter Premiere, making a bucket list, that has yet to happen..... By the end of the year, we were nothing less than the best of friends and looking forward to cohabitating the following year.
With the summer approaching us, we were not too keen on the idea of spending so much time apart. And so began the Sisterhood of the Traveling Jirt. (Freshman year we had an obsession with anything jean, Jirts, Jeggings, Jests, Jiapers, you name it we can make it denim). Since we could by no means find a pair of jeans to fit all four us, we opted for the more stylish and practical Jirt. One trip to good will was all it took to find the symbol of our friendship. The idea of the Jirt is much like that of the pants. We each got it for a week over the summer and then sent it to the next girl. The Jirt was accompanied by a notebook, of which the contents can not be named ;) The Jirt would keep us together, while we were apart. We had a ceremony of course, and made rules, which cannot be named of course! And so began the Jirt! When we returned, we had another ceremony and talked about our summers and life since we had last been together. The Jirt since then has traveled to Europe when the Emily's went abroad, and continued to travel among us this past summer, as it probably will for the rest of our lives. If you are worried about what will happen to the Jirt after we all die, way in the future, don't worry we have a plan. We are always very well prepared. In case you never have the pleasure to see the Jirt in real life, here is a picture of it from after the first summer of traveling.
Sophomore year was wonderful, even though the four of us were only together for one semester :( Yet, we live together again this year which is some much fun and plan on living together next year too. Debbie put us all together, but no one can tear us all apart. That would be somewhat of a task.
When I think of the dynamics of our friendship, it is really quite intriguing. The four of us all get along so well, but we all are quite different. I guess the whole opposites attract can be applied to our friendship. However, even though we are all so different, at the same time, we are all so similar. It makes for a very interesting time when we are all together. But I wouldn't have it any other way. Just to give you a small idea of who on earth these people are that I am blabbering on about, if you don't have the pleasure of knowing them in real life, let me introduce you.
Meet EOB. (More formally known as Emily O'Brien) EOB was a suitemate Freshman year as well as my roommate for the first semester of Sophomore year. You may not know it by looking at her but she in invincible, she is titanium. More like, she has a titanium rod in her leg after breaking her femur in a skate boarding accident last year. Now you may be think, "You have a skate boarding roommate??" Don't be fooled, she is not a skate boarder, however she is good at getting around in a wheelchair and walker now :) EOB is an avid lover of books, and music, and is by far the most educated Harry Potter fan that I know. She is extremely talented at writing (she is a blogger too), and music (french horn player), and is one of the most patient and kind people I know. She is an amazing listener and is the type of person who is really good at speaking the truth in love, she always tells you what you need to know and always willing to give advice. She is patient, kind, and dedicate and is going to an amazing teacher one day. To all the future students of Miss O'Brien, you are the luckiest kids out there. Be nice to her! This girl is going to change the world one day, probably in conjunction with this next girl.
Meet Ranga. (More Formally known as Allison Walter). Allison is my roomie, and has been since the Emily's abandoned us to go to Europe... :) And she is a RANGA! I saved her life you know!!! She runs so fast that her hair catches fire. Not really, it just looks like that because she has red hair. But she is really fast, like real fast. She is a track star. My first impression of Allison was probably, wow she has so many t-shirts and they are all color coated. We soon learned not to change the order of it, or move anything on her desk. She will notice, and she will find you. Allison is my partner in crime, when together shenanigans will happen. Just ask JP... Allison is probably one of the smartest people I know. I feel like she is always studying, writing a paper, preparing for philosophy or theology club, or just being philosophical in general. I admire her determination and perseverance, and the fact that she is super athletic. I love that she is always there for me, willing to cuddle and watch modern family, is always up for adventure or shenanigans, the fact that she always cracks my back, and can make me laugh. I cherish our pillow talks and hold them very near and dear to my heart. I don't know what she will be doing when she grows up, but I can't promise you that she is going to do great things with her life. And like I said, she will probably be a running mate with EOB on the presidential ballot. Lastly, but certainly not least...
Meet Tuttle... or Tuts, Tutski, King Tut, Tortuga, and the list goes on, and on, and on. (More formally known as Emily Tuttle). First I must say the oddest thing is greeting Tuttle parents, because she is Tuttle, that is like her first name, and then I greet them as Mr. and Mrs. Tuttle. It's just weird... Tuttle is my nursing partner, my rock that helps keep me sane and gets me through nursing school. She is always willing to listen to me rant about things, complain about things or just talk about things. She is my gym partner, that is when I go to the gym... and sits in the sauna with me after to gossip :) Tuttle is like a little ball of energy and excitement! I know I am going to have a good time when Tuttle is around. She always knows how to make me laugh and bring a smile to my face, no matter how stressed or anxious or down I may be. She is my fellow Gossip Girl addict. Tuttle is such a caring, fun loving, honest, lively and loving. She gives amazing advice and always tells it like it is. I admire her confidence and ability to smile no matter the situation. Her positivity and spirited nature is contagious. Following graduation, Tuttle will be saving lives. But really, she will be working as a nurse and saving lives. She is going to be an amazing nurse one day and I am sure that we will be frequently calling each other with many amusing stories about our lives as nurses.
Well, in a nut shell, those are my best friends. We are four peas in a pod. I am so very lucky to have them in my life and cannot imagine what life would be without them. These three girls will be at my bachelorette party, in my wedding, and in my life for many years to come. I cherish so dearly all of or memories together and look forward to the many more memories to come. I love you all so very much.
As you can tell, we have a rough time taking a good, "normal" picture together.
Someone is always cheesin.
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Probably my favorite picture of us! (coincidentally, the only normal one of all of us) It truly is a beautiful friendship! |
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