Monday, January 7, 2013

Time Machine

           If you could go back in time, either the near past or long ago, where would you go? I'm not quite sure why, but I have a love of both the Georgian Period and Victoria Period as well as the early 1900s. I have always had a love of that period but was recently reminded of it while reading The Paris Wife and Pride and Prejudice, and watching "Pride and Prejudice",  "Downton Abbey", and "Les Miserables." If given the chance, in a heartbeat I would go back in time and spend some time during those periods.

          As I mentioned, I have always been drawn to those periods, and I am not quite sure when this appeal began, but it was a while ago. I have always had a fascination with Marie Antoinette and revolutionary France, which is one of the reasons that I love Les Miserables. Saying that it is a fascination may even be an understatement, I wrote my thesis senior year of high school on Marie Antionette and the French Revolution, 20 pages.... However, I did not find it dreadful at all, I loved doing all the research and reading all about it. I was reminded of this intrigue this past weekend as I read Pride and Prejudice.    Reading the novel only once again reminded me of this love and made be begin to think what it was about that time that I was so fascinated with and desire to have lived in that time. Yes, I love the present, I am not denying that, but things seem so complicated these days. You cannot deny that things back then were much simpler. I wish I could better explain my feelings, but I am so lost for words. I love learning about the society, seeing painting of girls in beautiful dress, houses in the countryside, and the idea of traveling by carriage. I love how important family was back then, how they had balls, I even love the way that they talked, everything sounded so prim and proper. Everything back then was just so.... romantic. It was simple and beautiful. Maybe that is just the hopeless romantic in me talking.

          So until next time, I'll be dreaming as if I was in the book Pride and Prejudice.


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