Tuesday, January 8, 2013

New Motto

          So, I am not really one to choose motto's for my life. It isn't that I don't want one but the truth is when it comes down to it I am probably one of the most indecisive people to walk this earth and therefore could never choose one motto for my life. I can't say that I have finally chosen just one for me, but I have one that sticks out and is definitely up there near the top of my phrases to live by. I came across it on Pinterest (big surprise) which is where I find probably about 99.9% of my favorite quotes and pictures, and everything when it comes to it. #lifeofacollegegirl, right? However, here it is:

          DO NOT BELIEVE EVERYTHING YOU THINK. I thought that I ought to put it in all caps, to get the point across. I feel like I need to have that as my background on my computer, phone and hung in my room to get the point across. Maybe that is just my stubbornness, I don't know... I can be quite stubborn when it comes to changing my ways, and even more stubborn to changing my thoughts. However, I am determined to change when it comes to this matter. This whole idea, if I can call it that, has been a part of my life for quite sometime, years actually, and is actually really troubling to me. Goodness, how I wish the weren't the case, but it is, and surprisingly I am ok with that. It is a part of who I am and it has shaped me into the person that I am today. And I think that I turned out ok! At least I hoped that I have turned out ok, I would hope that I have! But... It's time for a change, and I am just plain tired of letting my mind and my so easily believed distorted thoughts control my life.

          I am the type of person who tends to have more distorted thoughts than true thoughts 95% of the time. Sadly this seems to show up in every part of my life, friendships, appearance, school work, you name it. I have the very bad habit of letting my thoughts dictate my beliefs, when really it should be the other way around. My beliefs should influence my thoughts. Why do I continually subject myself to this when I know that it makes me miserable? Probably that fear of change again, or just maybe it was easier for me to accept those thoughts than to believe that I was more than that, which I have realized is not at all the case. It took way too long to realize that I am so much more than all of those distorted thoughts and beliefs. This all reminds me of a quote that I first heard in high school.

"Watch your thought, for they become words.
Watch your words, for they become actions.
Watch your actions, for they become habits.
Watch you habits, for they become character.
Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny."

          I have, we all have, the power to believe what we believe is good and true, to choose whether we let our thoughts form our beliefs or let our beliefs form our thoughts. Which do you choose? This is a New Year, a new start, a new me, and I refuse to subject myself to this sort of self-inflicted torture anymore. I won't believe everything I think.

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